Call of duty black ops cold war mobile download apk
Call of duty black ops cold war mobile download apk

call of duty black ops cold war mobile download apk

The tasks we face are varied - although there are some that require us to take part in bloody and spectacular shootouts, we often have to work quietly, sneaking behind enemy lines.

call of duty black ops cold war mobile download apk

The single-player mode consists of missions that take us to various corners of the world, such as a giant Soviet training facility, as well as cities such as Moscow and Berlin.

call of duty black ops cold war mobile download apk

We don't have the possibility to decide on the appearance, but we can choose the gender, the course of previous service and perks making the game easier. Interestingly, for the first time in the series we create our own character - the hero we will play as. In Black Ops Cold War we observe the action from a first-person perspective (FPP). Interestingly, the game has several endings - which one we see depends on the decisions we make during the final stages. As the title suggests, the game is set during the Cold War and we have to thwart the plans of an enigmatic KGB agent, known by the code name Perseus.

Call of duty black ops cold war mobile download apk